Most cat owners have a tough time handling shedding in cats.
Finding cat hair all over the house can get quite irksome in terms of health and sanitation.
To deal with this predicament, many people prefer to go in for cat breeds that don't shed.
First things first, and I hate to break this to you but - all cats shed, irrespective of their breed. So, there is no such thing as a "non-shedding" cat. Shedding is a natural event in the life of every cat. Yes, vacuuming all that hair off the carpet does not really make a cat owner happy; but then, it is essential to understand that shedding its fur is good for the cat. The process actually helps a cat replenish its fur and remove the dead hair from its body. Also, the ability to shed an inappropriate coat and build a new one helps cats prepare for the warm or cold weather and survive major temperature changes in its habitat.
That being said, there are some breeds that shed quite a bit less. These are usually the purebred hairless cats or cats with fewer layers of a fur coat.
List of Cat Breeds That don't Shed

Cornish Rex:Although they might look it, Cornish Rex cats are not actually from outer space. Their washboard waves coat is short and has a velvety feel to it. The shedding in these cats is minimal and these affectionate, people-friendly cats make for excellent pets. Don Sphynx: This hairless cat was discovered in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and owes its hairlessness to a dominant gene. Unlike a Sphynx, a Don Sphynx is completely hairless, with absolutely no hair on its body.
Devon Rex:Found in 1959 in England, the Devon Rex has a curly shaggy mop of loose curls or a thin suede-like coat with some areas nearly bare. Although this cat sheds like any other breed, the absence of guard hair makes the shedding less obtrusive than that of many cats. This small cat breed with a hypoallergenic coat is not only great for people suffering from allergies, but is actually a delightful, mischievous little bundle of joy.

It is important to remember, however, that allergy to cat hair is not because of the fur, but rather because of a protein present in the saliva of cats. When cats lick their fur to clean it, this protein gets deposited in the fur. So before you can go and invest all that money on buying purebred non-shedding cats and kittens, keep in mind that caring for a non shedding cat breed can be quite an effort. Sticking to the short haired breeds might make the cat shedding more tolerable for you.
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