Certain types of body language will alert you to possible eye distress.
If your cat is constantly squinting or pawing at their eye area, give their eyes a good inspection.
If you find any of the symptoms listed below, you should immediately call your vet. Look out for the following:
- Discharge
- Watering
- Red or white eyelid linings
- Crusty build-up in the corners of the eye
- Tear-stained fur
- Closed eye(s)
- Cloudiness or change in eye colour
- Visible third eyelid
Eye Disorders The following eye-related disorders are commonly seen in cats:
- Conjunctivitis: One or both of your cat’s eyes will look red and swollen, and there may be discharge.
- Third eyelid protrusion: If the third eyelid becomes visible or crosses your cat’s eye, they may have a wound or may be suffering from diarrhoea, worms or a virus.
- Keratitis: If your cat’s cornea becomes inflamed, the eye will look cloudy and watery.
- Cataracts: This opacity on the eye is often seen in elderly and diabetic cats.
- Glaucoma: The cornea becomes cloudy and the eye enlarges due to an increased pressure in the eyeball.
- Bulging eye: Bulging can occur because of accident or trauma or an eye tumour.
- Retinal disease: Partial or total vision loss can happen when light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye degenerate.
- Watery eyes: The fur around your cat’s eyes may be stained with tears because of blocked tear ducts or an overproduction of tears.
Preventing Eye Problems The best way to prevent eye conditions is to make sure your cat gets all their vaccinations and has thorough check-ups. Please examine their eyes regularly and consult a vet if you find any abnormalities. Eye conditions that are left untreated can lead to impaired sight or even blindness.
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