Sunday 29 January 2017

Stop Your Cat Scratching

Scratching is a completely natural behaviour and you won't be able to stop your cat from scratching completely.
It allows your cat to mark their territory and maintain their claws. Also, many cats seem to simply enjoy it.

It is very important to make sure that your cat has at least one scratching post so that you can redirect their scratching away from your furniture and onto their post. They need something that they are allowed and encouraged to scratch.

Top Ten Tips
  1. Make sure there are multiple scratching opportunities. Cats often like to scratch after eating and sleeping, so be sure there is something to scratch near where they eat and sleep.
    A scratching post is an excellent investment for your cat. It will allow them to scratch, stretch and exercise all at once.
  2. If you want to provide your cat not only with scratching surface, but and places where they can climb, perch and sleep you should consider cat tree.
  3. Cover the furniture with something your cat does not like: double sided tape, some plastic or aluminium foil. Some cats dislike the feeling and sound of foil, and most cats hate things that stick to their fur.
  4. Keep your cat mentally stimulated and offer plenty of opportunity for exercise. If your cat is frustrated and bored, they may scratch your furniture or tear your curtains.
  5. Give your cat enough play time. Cats are motivated by smell, sound, texture and movement. The toys you use should aim to cover all these aspects.
  6. Cutting the nails regularly may help keep a cat from scratching the furniture, or at least reduce the damage done by its scratching. Get your kitten used to having its nails clipped while it is young, praise them while you clip the nail and reward her with a treat.
  7. Consider a window perch for your feline friend. It will give your cat hours of entertainment - especially if you place a bird or squirrel feeder in the garden outside the window. Be sure the window is closed so your pet won’t fall out.
  8. If your cat is gaining access to a high bookcase by leaping from a nearby chair, move the chair. Without a launch pad, your cat will no longer be able to reach.
  9. There are training devices that keep cats off forbidden areas by making annoying sounds. They are available at pet supply stores, catalogues and websites.
  10. If your cat still scratches in appropriate places, spray those places with scents like bitter apple or orange peel, which are good deterrents.
All forms of physical punishment should be avoided since they can cause fear or aggression toward the owner, and at best, the cat will only learn to stop the scratching while the owner is around.

Please do NOT declaw your cat. The last joint in each toe is severed. How would you feel if someone literally chopped off the ends of your fingers so that your nails were completely removed?
It is a painful procedure that can result in a variety of complications, such as continual bleeding or ongoing pain. Some animal behaviourists report that it can also lead to behavioural problems, such as aggression and anxiety. Cats need their claws for climbing, defence, balancing and grasping, so please leave them be.

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